Before joining the virtual course, please download and print a copy of our free gift to you, a copy of the Pool Training Academy Math Workbook, a $25 value! This workbook can be used during the video module series as well as on the exam itself.
Click here to download Pool Training Academy's Math Workbook
If necessary, you can access an electronic copy of the CPO® Pool Operator Handbook. We recommend you open the link in its own window, so you can access it while you watch the Zoom® Virtual Presentation.
Click here to access the English version of CPO® Pool Operator Handbook
Click here to access the Spanish version of the CPO® Pool Operator Handbook
The following video will fully explain how to join a Zoom® Meeting
Here at Pool Training Academy we have proudly created a simplified supplemental video series that covers 100% of the information you need to be successful for the CPO® exam as well as in the field. This video series was created by our award-winning video production team and focuses on making education simple, engaging, and relevant! This video series is not required viewing, we've simply provided it for you as an additional educational resource for you.
This video series is helpful for those who: